Monday, November 9, 2015


what is lacrosse?
Before I start with what I think ill take time to explain it to you so you can understand where im coming from. Lacrosse is a mix of sports. what you use is a stick with a net at the top kinda like a hockey traper. Most of the stuff is from the hockey stuff you wear. How you play it now its really easy you run and pass the ball with the stuff. Really easy game to play and fun too!!!!!!

What I think about lacrosse?
I agree with this lacrosse is a really awesome sport you move a lot. Its a well know sport that a lot of people play and come out and say its amazing its fun to watch as well. I rahter play it then watch it. Some people dont agree with what but its okay to not agree with me.I play it when I have time to play it. I hope one day you try to play it or at least watch it. 

why is it there?
why is it numeber two and not a other number like one or ten? Its number two because its the second well known canadian sport. Its a populaire sport here in canada. It aint really a girl sport but its just a boy sport girls have the right to play it too. girls can do whatever boys can do. 

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